Our Treatments

Disc Related Problems

Spinal disc problems can lead to symptoms of back pain, most often low back pain. The pain may also go into one or both of your legs (sciatica). Back pain with or without sciatica is very common. Most causes are not serious but it is very important for any serious cause to be found early so that it can be treated.

Orthopaedic Diseases

Orthopedic conditions are injuries and diseases that affect the musculoskeletal system. This body system includes the muscles, bones, nerves, joints, ligaments, tendons, and other connective tissues. Damage to any of these tissues or structures can come from chronic orthopedic diseases or from an injury.

Respiratory Diseases

Respiratory diseases include asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), pulmonary fibrosis, pneumonia, and lung cancer. Also called lung disorder and pulmonary disease.

Skin issues

Allergies, irritants, genetic makeup, certain diseases, and immune system problems can cause skin conditions.

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